What the hell goes on in my head when I sleep?

I have been having absolutely brilliant but completely bizarre dreams the last several days.

Had one very long, very involved, and pretty realistic (in an action movie kind of way) dream about a series of explosions and fires causing massive mud slides in Halifax. It’s one of the few dreams I had to actually write down when I woke, it was so intense. (I’ve never run and climbed so much — in a dream or in reality — in my life.)

The night before that, I’d had a dream about an old lady who left me her mansion, estate, and 14 cats when she left and I had to fight her distant relatives over it (very soap opera-ish). Some of it I can put down to news articles I’d been reading (including ones about the Guiding Light ending) and general brain purging, but I couldn’t begin to tell you where the hell my brain came up with the freaky assed erotica that that little old lady left behind in her bedroom, or the skinny little cat among the 14 who could shed its fur-coated skin at will, like a snake (except that it could put it back on again). (That one was gross at first, but fascinating when you realized that it was how it was made and wasn’t hurting it.)

Maybe my brain needs as much of a spring clean as the rest of my life. 😉

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